At every LSM event we donate a pitch to a charity or cause that benefits from the proceeds of a tombola.

The idea came to mind after the October weekend when Fran did her diabetes based one. So we love to do this at each event and ask all traders for their support.

TRADERS: Traders, can you each donate a little something (either from your stock or something else) for each fundraiser please; make sure you have a tag or business card attached to your donation so people can see who made or donated it.

CHARITIES: What you need to do: supply 2 or 3 volunteers to cover the pitch for the weekend. Bring a book of raffle tickets, a roll of sellotape, a large container to put the tickets in and something to put your money in to run a tombola over the day/s. A tombola is where you use one half of the raffle tickets, attach numbers ending in 0 and 5 to the items as prizes, rest of the tickets all get split up, folded up / screwed up, put into a large container, customers then pay £1 for 5 dips, this is the best way to raise money as a lot of the time they'll usually do another £1's worth :) You can also have other items added to this along with fundraising merchandise such as pens, keyrings, mugs etc along with information leaflets etc.  Do not do a raffle! Pitch with table is supplied for free, you need to have PLI and a risk assessment.

So far we have helped 24 different charities and worthwhile causes.

Current running total is £5202.53 (the odd figure is because of random donations and merchandise such as pens, key rings, badges etc being sold by the charities as well). 

I am not allowed to have a charity fundraiser at the Wakefield Ridings events as not permitted to do a tombola.

Look at the list of forthcoming museum events if you'd like to be our charity and raise money and awareness for your cause!

10th & 11th May, Calderdale Industrial Museum, Halifax

5th & 6th July, Middleton Railway, Leeds (charity already booked in, tbc)

Past events:

6th & 7th June LSVM (Leeds Steampunk Virtual Market)

Unfortunately due to the Covid19 pandemic, Middleton Railway had to cancel all their 60th Centenary celebrations which were planned for the whole summer. They are always working to raise much needed funds to keep their locos running - apparently it costs around £30,000 to overhaul each one!

The Middleton Railway is the world’s oldest working railway running steam and diesel trains from Moor Road to Middleton Park and is run entirely by volunteers.

Donations made through the event event on Facebook raised £164 and their response was " the fundraising is amazing - it's as much as we made face to face before!"


 Candlelighters supports families facing children's cancer in Yorkshire. They get involved in all sorts of different projects to help ordinary families who are facing extraordinary circumstances.

7th & 8th March 2020 (Abbey House, Leeds)

We were delighted to have Keighley Cat Care with us for this event as our nominated charity. They emailed to say "we managed to make £201 thanks to the generosity of people who attended the event and some of the stall holders who donated some lovely goodies to us! It was good fun and everybody was super friendly, really great atmosphere! So, thank you ever so much for having us, really appreciate it."

Their mission statement is: to rescue abandoned, stray and unwanted cats & kittens and find them safe and loving homes; to help prevent cruelty to cats/ kittens; to educate the public regarding treatment, welfare of cats/kittens and advice on neutering; to keep a register of lost and found cats/kittens and offering help with feline behavioural problems.

They have a special place in our heart as a year ago one of our own cats went missing for nearly a week and they helped with catching her with a humane cat catching cage. Saved my breaking heart and my sanity!

They cover Keighley, Bingley, Crossflatts, Saltaire, Shipley, Haworth, Oakworth, Skipton and surrounding areas.

Registered Charity No: 1121776


December 2019 LSM (Queen's Mill, Castleford)

The Children’s Air Ambulance unfortunately had their volunteer pull out at short notice that was going to run the tombola for the weekend. So instead I agreed that they could run their promotional lottery and the traders' donations could be taken away and used as a tombola at their next event. I advised all traders of this with the load in email and to have their donation ready for the charity rep.

It only came to my attention on the Sunday that the representative was absent and an email from the charity's Community Fundraising Officer  followed the next day full of apologies.

Apparently, "some of the traders were a little unhappy with this (the agreed arrangement) on the day, whilst Paula (the rep) did try to explain, unfortunately she did feel a little uncomfortable with the situation and after discussion with her Line Manager she did sadly leave the market at lunchtime."

Bit of a shame all round; however with whatever donations she did obtain, I will add a certificate for funds raised and update the total in due course.

The Children’s Air Ambulance is a national service, changing the face of paediatric care through the high speed transfers of critically ill children and flying them from hospital to another for specialist care.  It is the first and only dedicated paediatric helicopter emergency transfer service in the country.

The bespoke, specialist equipment on-board their helicopter provides a flying intensive care unit for children.  When a child is too sick to fly, the Children’s Air Ambulance can fly a specialist team to them.  With flight times commonly around four times quicker than a transfer by road, in many cases, the time saved means a life saved.

All transfers of critically ill children carry an inherent risk – the longer a child is out of hospital the great that risk.  With our ability to fly approximately four times faster than a land ambulance can travel, we can minimise travel times and the risk.  Around 5,800 children and babies in the UK require specialist transfers each year  and approximately 10% of these could benefit from our service.  That’s two children every day.

We receive no government funding and rely entirely on voluntary donations, your support will help to keep hope alive for these young patients and their families.  Find out more at

Part of The Air Ambulance Service (TAAS). Registered in England and Wales as a limited company by guarantee. Registered Company No. 4845905. Charity No. 1098874.

5th & 6th October (Calderdale Industrial Museum, Halifax)

In addition to the tombola which raised £87, they were talking to lots of people interested in the history of the building and getting lots of enthusiasm for the December market. Plus they were selling bags of their stone ground flour and had to bag up more of them on the Saturday evening as they'd run out - apparently this was the most amount they've sold at a promotional event! 

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported them by buying their flour, taking part in the tombola and to all the lovely traders for donating items for it.

Castleford Heritage Trust was established in 2000, and is a registered charity and a limited company which aims to promote the community's heritage and culture to build a strong, successful community.   They use natural as well as cultural heritage as a vehicle for regeneration and improving educational opportunities. They purchased and moved into Queen’s Mill in Castleford in April 2013. 

Since becoming owners of Queen’s Mill, they have carried out major refurbishment works, become an established Community Anchor for the Wakefield District, welcomed new businesses to the site, re-established flour production, hosted community events and exhibitions, and welcomed thousands of people to the site.   The development of the Mill is an on-going project and we look forward to hosting our Christmas market with them.

July 2019 (Middleton Railway, Leeds)

The shop team have told me that they sold £91 worth of tombola tickets over the two days. However, they also expect that the supporters who signed up to the lottery with the canvassers at the fair, will generate over £1,800 in lottery donations over the lifetime they play the lottery.
Many thanks for your support.
Kind regards,Ross Wiggan, UK Lottery manager.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported them by taking part in the tombola and to all the lovely traders for donating items for it.

Sue Ryder supports people through the most difficult times of their lives. For over 65 years their doctors, nurses and carers have given people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.

Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice is in Headingley, Leeds and provides expert palliative care and support for people who are living with a life-limiting condition, as well as supporting their families.

May 2019 BSM (Bradford Industrial Museum)

Roleystone Horse and Pony Sanctuary is a horse sanctuary for rescuing horses and ponies based in the Shipley area of Bradford, West Yorkshire. They have taken it upon themselves to provide a safe and loving shelter for horses and ponies that have fallen on hard times, been mistreated, neglected or in need of a retirement home.  They offer the care and attention that allows them to flourish.  They practice tolerance, friendship and understanding of the fears and needs of man's equine partner; allowing a horse to be a horse.  They strive to have the means to welcome & care for any horse or pony in distress or in need of our help. Their commitment to the horse is for life; however long or short that may be.

They became a charity in November 2009 and run by a team of dedicated volunteers and funded entirely by public donations and fund raising events. A huge thankyou to all the traders and visitors for helping them to raise £140.

March 2019 (Abbey House, Leeds)

This event donated the fundraising pitch to Touchstone - a charity based in Leeds that provides mental health and wellbeing services to over 2000 people a year.

This was run by Naheed Aslam on their behalf on the Saturday and had volunteers with her from Touchstone on the Sunday. She donated 15% of her sales from her own range of handmade creations Naheed’s Sparkle and from 28-31 Jan 2019 she also had her Instagram and FB online craft market event @craftiesmarket where her fellow sellers donated their stall fees to touchstone via the fundraising site.

December 2018 BSM (Bradford Industrial Museum)

GACAH. (Give a child a hope) raised £93 from the tombola at Bradford Steampunk Market and also donated their payment from their dance routine (Steampunk Rollers).

The Revival Centre, at Matugga in Uganda, is run by Pastor Ivan  Lugolobi and comprises a primary school of 450 pupils, a secondary school of 180 pupils, an orphanage for 105 children, a clinic and a busy church. The Centre provides the chance of an education to 525 local children and 105 orphans who have been rescued from all kinds of despair. Ivan’s elder sister Ruth runs the Revival Clinic and treats up to 450 people a month and his twin sister Jane, runs projects with widows to help them generate income and support their families.

This project is supported by Churches Together Ilkley, both financially and with material support and professional advice provided by some who have taken this project to heart.

September 2018 LSM (Calderdale Industrial Museum, Halifax)

Raised £104.52 - thank you to everyone involved.

Heartbeat of Sport was our nominated registered charity for this event and has FOUR main aims:

To raise awareness of sudden cardiac arrest within sport

To hold fundraising events to help sporting organisations obtain specialist training and equipment that is needed in a cardiac arrest situation.

To campaign for the regular screening of all professional and semi-professional sports stars

To provide affordable heart screening to all sporting environments

July 2018 LSM (Middleton Railway)

Calderdale Industrial Museum was our nominated cause for this fund raiser. The Museum is operated by the Calderdale Industrial Museum Association (CIMA). a registered charity and dedicated group of enthusiastic volunteers. They could only spare people to be with us for the Saturday so on the Sunday the fundraising was done for Middleton Railway themselves to help raise funds to repair vandalised stock.

Middleton's tombola on the Sunday raised £55 which isn't bad for one quiet day (it was boiling hot sunshine which affected attendance). In addition they raised another £406 on admissions to the market as they charged separately for the train rides.

CIMA raised £69 and a LOT of interest in the museum from both traders and visitors so they were delighted with the result.

May 2018 BSM (Bradford Industrial Museum)

The manager of the Keighley Yorkshire Cat Rescue shop was with us independently to raise money for two local good causes - Yorkshire Cat Rescue and Roleystone Horse and Pony Sanctuary. She raised £103 for the cats and £156 for the horses!

Yorkshire Cat Rescue - exists to save the lives of abandoned and unwanted cats and kittens in Yorkshire and parts of Lancashire. The charity’s aims are to relieve the suffering of cats who are in need of care and attention and, in particular, to provide or maintain rescue homes or other facilities for the reception and care of such unwanted animals and their treatment. When they were with us last they raised a total of £749.46, of that £201 was from the tombola.

Roleystone Horse and Pony Sanctuary - a horse sanctuary for rescuing horses and ponies Near Bradford. (Westfield Lane, Wrose, Shipley BD18 1LY.) They have taken it upon themselves to provide a safe and loving shelter for horses and ponies that have fallen on hard times, been mistreated, neglected or in need of a retirement home.  They offer the care and attention that allows them to flourish.  They practice tolerance, friendship and understanding of the fears and needs of man's equine partner; allowing a horse to be a horse.  They strive to have the means to welcome & care for any horse or pony in distress or in need of our help. Their commitment to the horse is for life; however long or short that may be.

They became a charity in November 2009 and run by a team of dedicated volunteers and funded entirely by public donations and fund raising events.

March 2018 LSM (Leeds Industrial Museum, Armley)

Due to various problems with the postponed original date, DFK were not able to join us after all. However we will be getting them back with us on another time.

Dementia Friendly Keighley is a local cause based where we live.

Dementia Friendly Communities are where residents have awareness of issues which might affect people living with dementia. Business owners have increased knowledge and take necessary actions to ensure that people living with dementia remain independent for as long as possible. A dementia-friendly community recognizes that dementia is a disease that touches many lives. A dementia-friendly community implements coordinated, ongoing, community-based solutions to help people with memory loss feel safe.

December 2017 LSM (Bradford Industrial Museum)

The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent Charity providing a life saving rapid response emergency service to 5 million people across Yorkshire. They fly seven days a week, 365 days a year, covering a vast landscape that not only includes major cities and motor ways, but also rural and isolated locations. To keep providing this life saving service the Charity needs to raise £12,000 per day to keep both of Yorkshire’s Air Ambulances maintained and in the air. The generosity that they receive is the life blood of the Charity and with out this generosity, they would not be able to provide the service that they are so proud of.

We are delighted that through our event they were able to raise £298.82 from the tombola, merchandise sales and donations.

October 2017 LSM (Leeds Industrial Museum, Armley)

The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is an award-winning charity based in Leeds, supporting the Leeds Congenital Hearts service – which serves the whole of Yorkshire, the Humber and North Lincolnshire. Our vision is for children to live life, beating heart disease, and our mission is to make the Leeds Congenital Hearts unit a world class centre of excellence by providing the funding and resources needed to care for a child’s heart, mind, family and future.

They did well on the Saturday raising £94 and ran out of prizes by mid afternoon. Unfortunately on the evening the manager was poorly leaving insufficient volunteers to cover the Sunday.

July 2017 LSM (Middleton Railway, Leeds)

This was due to be "Railway Children" which provide protections and opportunity for children with nowhere else to go and nobody to turn to. Unfortunately they could not be with us after all so Middleton Railway ran a fundraising tombola to raise much needed funds to keep their locos running. Apparently it costs around £30,000 to overhaul each one!

The Middleton Railway is the world’s oldest working railway running steam and diesel trains from Moor Road to Middleton Park and is run entirely by volunteers.

Figures through show the tombola raised £158 - many thanks to all the traders for their donations and to the visitors for spending money.

They had an additional just over £100 on donations on the door from around 200 visitors to the market. This was split as attendance of approximately 75 Saturday and 125 Sunday proving that Sunday was actually the busier day (there were certainly more steampunks!)

A total of 525 passengers (adults and kids) rode on the trains which was a significant increase on the 402 from last year.

May 2017 LSM (Abbey House, Kirkstall, Leeds)

St Gemma's Hospice are a Leeds-based charity providing expert care and support for local people with terminal illnesses. They offer specialist medical and nursing care to thousands of local people each year and offer invaluable support to their families and friends. Opened in 1978, they are the largest hospice in Yorkshire and one of the largest in England.

After being with us, their emails said "Thanks so much, the overall total raised was £172.75 which we’re really pleased about, especially since we didn’t quite have enough volunteers to cover the whole weekend. Please pass on our sincere thanks to everyone who was involved in raising these funds."

March 2017 LSM (Bradford Industrial Museum) - Yorkshire Cat Rescue

Yorkshire Cat Rescue - exists to save the lives of abandoned and unwanted cats and kittens in Yorkshire and parts of Lancashire. The charity’s aims are to relieve the suffering of cats who are in need of care and attention and, in particular, to provide or maintain rescue homes or other facilities for the reception and care of such unwanted animals and their treatment. Their head office emailed us with  "Just to let you know that Yorkshire Cat Rescue raised a total of £749.46, of that £201 was from the tombola.

And from what I have heard, all the volunteers had a great time and really enjoyed it!"

December Surgical Spirit 2016 (Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds) - SSAFA

They are the longest serving national tri-service military charity. For over 130 years, they have provided lifelong support to those who are serving or have ever served in our Armed Forces. Today nearly 2.6 million people living in the United Kingdom are estimated to have served in the Armed Forces at some point in their lives. Every year, around 20,000 servicemen and women leave the services and return to civilian life. That's why their work is so important. They believe that those who have served their country should get the best possible support when they need it.

As ex-service members ourselves, Si and I were more than happy to provide them with an opportunity to raise money and awareness. Through the tombola and donations they raised a wonderful sum of £239.13.

October LSM (Armley Mill, Leeds)

Delighted to announce that our charitable cause this weekend raised a total of £103.46 through their own merchandise sales (keyrings, pens, CDs etc), donations and the tombola with all the fabulous items that the traders gave.

Cloth Cat is a social enterprise and their main activities centre around a unique programme of FREE training in music based learning, run in partnership with the WEA. 

If you would like to volunteer with them please contact Mike Jolly either through Facebook or via the website.

Steampunks Under Pressure (July LSM at Middleton Light Railway) - The Mercury Phoenix Trust raised £318.79 from the tombola, donations, Queen merchandise and the proceeds from the special edition miniature medal made by Captain Cumberpatch's Curious Creations.

The Mercury Phoenix Trust was founded by Brian May, Roger Taylor and their manager Jim Beach in memory of rock band Queen’s iconic lead singer Freddie Mercury who died in 1991 from AIDS. In the last 21 years the Trust has given away over 15 million dollars in his name and funded over 700 projects in the global battle against HIV/AIDS.

May LSM (Bagshaw Museum) - InTouch Foundation unfortunately had to pull out due to lack of volunteers for this weekend (students with exams being unavailable).  InTouch is a not for profit organisation and is a community based effort. They came round our streets during the flooding last December with a catering van making sure everyone had hot food and drinks and they also address the plight of the homeless. 

We will have them back at another event at some point in the future. Please support them through their website:

Instead our Beanmaster (Coffee Jousting Host - our very own real life vicar!) stepped in at short notice and ran a tombola in aid of Wharfedale Refugee Response and raised £100! 

Wharfedale Welcomes Refugees is a community group based in the villages of Burley-in-Wharfedale and Menston who want to work together to make a positive difference for refugees. 

March 2016 LSM (Bradford Industrial Museum) - Middleton Railway

The Middleton Railway is the world’s oldest working railway running steam and diesel trains from Moor Road to Middleton Park and is run entirely by volunteers. This is what they said of their time with us:

"Thanks for having us, we loved mingling and chatting to the 'punkers. Our members who saw your set up for the first time were most impressed and we took just over TWO HUNDRED pounds in donations and tombola. We also got some great ideas for your event in July...not least of all how to run the tea room! Thank you once again for your support and the generosity of your traders in their donations." (£203.13!!).

December LSM (Thackray) 

Buttercup Children’s Trust spent the weekend running a tombola and raised a phenomenal £180.  Thanks again to everyone who made it over through the terrible weather to support this event. 

October LSM at Armley Mill

Narcolepsy UK did brilliantly and raised a whopping £170! Many thanks to everyone involved with donations and buying tickets.

June LSM, Thwaite's Mill

Delighted that St Vincents Support Centre managed to raise £150.35 over this weekend with the raffle and selling St V pens, badges etc. Many thanks to all traders for their donations and customers for spending their money


March LSM, Armley

We decided to make this one for the Barn Owl Trust as a tribute to Rocky who sadly passed away early in the year. We raised £153 with the help of many people and animals. Many thanks to everyone who donated and bought tickets!

December 2014, Thackray

We raised £114. Many thanks to everyone who donated and bought tickets and especially to Emma Binns who did loads as I was on crutches with a fractured kneecap.

Rob Bracewell has a companion called Whoopie and he said "Whoopi is trained to help me in many physical tasks, from opening a door, operating a lift call button, to picking things up and putting them away. On top of this she can assist in removing clothing, bringing things like my walking stick and generally be a close and trusted companion who can tell when I'm ill."


October 2014, Armley organised by Fran.

"The response was amazing and following those contributions we raised a whopping £105.60p from ticket sales, to be split between the two charities.
The 2 charities are Bradford Royal Infirmary Diabetes and Endocrinology Unit, and Medical Detection Dogs."

The Mercury Phoenix Trust was founded by Brian May, Roger Taylor and their manager Jim Beach in memory of rock band Queen’s iconic lead singer FREDDIE MERCURY who died in 1991 from AIDS.

In the last 21 years the Trust has given away over 16 million dollars in his name and funded over 700 projects in the global battle against HIV/AIDS.

In July 2016, the charity was The Mercury Phoenix Trust. This is something very close to our hearts as we are both huge fans of Queen and 2016 was the 25th anniversary of Freddie Mercury's death so we wanted to do something special. The LSM event on this date was at Middleton Railway in Leeds so the steam trains tied in perfectly with the Breakthru video and so the event was named Steampunks Under Pressure. Si even shaved off most of his facial hair leaving just a tash to be "Freddie for a day".

Si made a special edition fund raising medal for this weekend.


The medal overall measures 20mm x 90mm and is for sale at events for £6 and online for £6.50 plus postage. £2 goes directly to the MPT from each sale.

Just email if you would like any - postage rates are about to be increased by Royal Mail at the end of March 2017. Prices are currently £1.40 UK, £3.20 Europe, £4 zone 1 and £4.20 zone 2. These are not likely to go up by much to be honest!

Please note we do not post normal airmail to Israel, Brazil or Peru due to the amount of post that has gone missing. Customers from these countries must have to use a signed for/tracked service. Prices on request.

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